About me... - Helping Bodies Heal

About me…

If you follow me on social media you may recall I recently taped my first ever video.  And if you know me personally, you know I am NOT a person that likes being in front of the camera.

But a funny thing happens to a person when they are pursuing their dream LIFE — you find yourself doing things you would’ve never EVER considered before.

I see it with my clients too — clients who “never eat breakfast” give it a try and then I can’t tell them NOT to eat breakfast!  Or clients who swear that buying some foods organic is going to completely break the bank figure out it can fit into the budget with some careful planning.

And so my new video biography was born!

Click the video below and let me know what you think; simply hit reply and drop me a note.


I am also curious to hear from you — what fear or uncomfortableness have YOU overcome in pursuit of a bigger goal?  Conversely, where have you left FEAR or the comfort of SAFETY stop you from going “all in?” 

I got into the business of coaching to build a community of people who are EMPOWERED to claim the health and life they’ve always dreamed of having but never thought was actually possible.   Will you join me in building this community?  Let’s “GO BIG OR GO HOME!”

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