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Post Archive: Author

6 Reasons You Need THE RIGHT Detox

Why you need THE RIGHT type of detox, now.  You: Eat canned tuna or sushi tuna more than 2-3 times per year.  Therefore you are accumulating mercury, lead and other toxins in your fat tissue. Drink tap or bottled water.  Plastic (BPA) leaches into your bottled water.  You can find detectable levels of  pharmaceuticals, pesticides, lead, chlorine, fluoride and other…

The truth about BELLY FAT!

I’m sharing with you what no personal trainer, fitness magazine or possibly even your doctor, will tell you about BELLY FAT! You can’t out-exercise it. You can’t starve it out. It’s an INSIDE JOB! Watch, listen, learn. Then, reach out to me when you’re ready to take action. I have the tools you need to help you finally win the…

Torn between wanting a snack and looking like a snack?

IS THIS THE STORY OF YOUR LIFE?  This seems to be the life of many. BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY! Who wants to live batting themselves inside the snack aisle each trip to the grocery store? Whoever said this is the way life has to be? More importantly, why would you settle for this? YOU GET TO…

This 53 second video could be the jumpstart to a whole new YOU!

All it takes is one RIGHT decision to move closer to the health you’ve been craving. All it takes is one YES, to the right program, to change everything. THIS is that program! Your search is over. The Symptom Slayer is here.   Say HELLO to real food and BYE-BYE to your symptoms. Watch the video below. Get all of…