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Posts Tagged: disease

Why you should try a Grain-Free (Paleo) Lifestyle

I’m sure you’ve heard the term “Paleo” by now. Most people have heard of it, but many are not quite sure what it is. Let me explain to you all about Paleo and why (in my opinion and those of millions) it is hands-down the ultimate way to eat and to live. First, Paleo is all about the “grain-free” way of…

Redefining “healthy”…

Food isn’t important just because it impacts the number on the scale, how you fit (or don’t) into your skinny jeans or the levels of energy you have (or don’t). Food is important because it feeds your cells CRITICAL INFORMATION! Let’s take someone who’s “thin or skinny” — most of us would consider them “healthy” right?  Well, not so fast.  If…

Viewing chronic stress in a whole new way

Ya’ know how sometimes you have to hear something a couple hundred times before it finally REALLY sinks in?  That happened to me today and it resonated with me so strongly, I wanted to share. In nutrition school we learned all about the negative impacts of chronic stress — how it can damage our brain, hinder our chances to lose…