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Posts Tagged: health

6 Probiotic foods that are good for your gut!

If you’ve been following me for a while you know I’m big on probiotics and gut health.   It’s a MAJOR component of a healthy mind and body. As explained in my previous POST, probiotics are not only necessary for a strong immune system but also for a well functioning digestive system. Here are 6 foods I recommend you eat regularly to build and…

3 small steps that lead to big change

I speak with a lot of people that are ready and eager to “get healthy.”  They have BIG GOALS about the changes they want to see in themselves and they often have BIG CHALLENGES too!  And by challenges I mean – young kids, crazy busy job, no cooking skills, a spouse who cooks yummy but unhealthy food, no time to exercise, etc. Ironically,…

Viewing chronic stress in a whole new way

Ya’ know how sometimes you have to hear something a couple hundred times before it finally REALLY sinks in?  That happened to me today and it resonated with me so strongly, I wanted to share. In nutrition school we learned all about the negative impacts of chronic stress — how it can damage our brain, hinder our chances to lose…

Food as information

While listening to the Evolution of Medicine Summit this week, time and again I heard the speakers say “food is information” or refer to food as information for the body.  I’d heard this before in the nutrition school I attended but for some reason it resonated differently with me this time. I think there are some key adjectives most of…