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Posts Tagged: healthy

Recipe Tuesday: Preparing for Thanksgiving (mashed sweet potatoes)!

With the holidays approaching, food is first and foremost this time of year!  Tons of magazines are featuring recipe’s and how-to’s for a great Thanksgiving Dinner, a lot of them overloading on sugar, dairy and gluten. This year, as in recent years I plan to “upgrade” some of my traditional Thanksgiving usuals, making them more in-line with how I eat…

Superfood Hot Chocolate

Welcome to Recipe Tuesday!  I’ve decided to post a new recipe every Tuesday to help you keep your kitchen time fun, interesting and of course, healthy! Since today is Tuesday (also Election Day — get out there and vote!!) I’m going to kick this off with something yummy – a hot chocolate that is loaded with all kinds of goodies….

3 small steps that lead to big change

I speak with a lot of people that are ready and eager to “get healthy.”  They have BIG GOALS about the changes they want to see in themselves and they often have BIG CHALLENGES too!  And by challenges I mean – young kids, crazy busy job, no cooking skills, a spouse who cooks yummy but unhealthy food, no time to exercise, etc. Ironically,…

Got Bloat? Read this.

Ever wonder why some people can eat carefree and still have a flat stomach, yet others (maybe you?) suffer from chronic belly bloat, no matter how much they count calories? Feeling and looking bloated is one clear indicator that something you are eating does not agree with your body. Wouldn’t it be great to find out what that “something” is,…